Sprinting is not just running Very fast!
Sprinting is not just running fast. It requires an all-out effort, running as fast as possible for very short distances.
As such it’s a great form of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) and there is nothing better than feeling the power of maximal effort! It’s one of the most time-efficient workouts you can do.
Sprinting can help you stave off the muscle-wasting effects of ageing (sarcopenia). Fast-twitch muscle depletes far more quickly than slow-twitch muscle as we age so we need to work harder to maintain it.
Fast-twitch fibres are those that provide intense bursts of power in a short amount of time, while slow-twitch are those which offer more contractile force, but over a longer duration for posture and endurance.
Sprinting will strengthen your feet, ankles, calves and legs. Sprints also improve cardiovascular health, strengthen your heart and is great for the brain too.
RELATED : What Are The Top 7 Benefits of Sprinting?
Sprinting is an extremely demanding activity, and if you're not used to it, it's wise to warm up properly and build progression slowly.
Before sprinting, it's a good idea to elevate your heart rate and prepare for several intense bouts of activity. Running at medium-to-fast pace helps to raise your body temperature, lubricates the joints and primes your body for the more intense physical activity to come, focus on your sprint technique and form as you do so.
Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Drive your right knee to the chest as the left arm swings forward.
As you right leg lowers, drive forward with your left knee and right arm as fast as you can.
Keep the torso upright and engaged as you move forward with opposite arms and legs.
Keep breathing and stay as relaxed as possible as you work to top speed.
Stay as light as possible on your feet.
Sprint for 100-200 metres or yards and aim for maximum speed.
Then take a slow walk back to the start to recover.
Allow 2-3 minutes or so for a full recovery.
Repeat SPRINT SESSION steps 1-3 for 2-4 rounds.
Sprinting is highly taxing and not something you want to over do, so aim for a maximum of 1-2 sessions per week and give it your all!
Get a copy of the Animal Move Book which includes sprinting as part of the programme.