Movement is Medicine
If exercise came in pill form, we would only be too eager to take our keep-fit medicine. Movement is medicine, even small doses extend longevity and can prevent and treat disease. Movement truly is a polypill.
Thinkers of ancient times, such as Hippocrates and Plato, suggested that physical activity was good for health. This has been confirmed with recent (and not so recent) studies which tell us that exercise reduces all-cause mortality risk (all causes of death), cardiovascular-related events, as well as warding off chronic lifestyle conditions such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, dementia and cancer.
Every single system in the body relies on us moving. Mental health and cognitive function, muscles and joints, hearts and lungs, hormones and mood, digestive health and gut microbiome, metabolism and blood pressure - you name it, it needs us to move frequently and purposefully to be healthy.
You can review some of this evidence on why exercise is medicine below.
““If there is any deficiency in exercise the body will fall sick.””
All-Cause Mortality
Grøntved A, Hu FB. "Television Viewing and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, and All-Cause Mortality A Meta-analysis." JAMA, 2011
Myers J, Kaykha A, George S, Abella J, Zaheer N, Lear S, Yamazaki T, Froelicher V. "Fitness versus physical activity patterns in predicting mortality in men." Am J Med, 2004
Alpa V. Patel, Leslie Bernstein, Anusila Deka, Heather Spencer Feigelson, Peter T. Campbell, Susan M. Gapstur, Graham A. Colditz, Michael J. Thun; "Leisure Time Spent Sitting in Relation to Total Mortality in a Prospective Cohort of US Adults." Am J Epidemiol, 2010
Leitzmann MF, Park Y, Blair A, et al. “Physical activity recommendations and decreased risk of mortality”, Arch Intern Med , 2007
Nocon M, Hiemann T, Müller-Riemenschneider F, et al. “Association of physical activity with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis”, Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil , 2008, vol. 15
Paffenbarger RSJr, Hyde RT, Wing AL, et al. “Physical activity, all-cause mortality, and longevity of college alumni”, N Engl J Med , 1986
Blair SN, Morris JN. “Healthy hearts—and the universal benefits of being physically active: physical activity and health”, Ann Epidemiol , 2009
Morris JN, Heady JA, Raffle PA, Roberts CG, Parks JW. "Coronary heart disease and physical activity of work.", Lancet, 1953
Ekelund, U et al. "Activity and all-cause mortality across levels of overall and abdominal adiposity in European men and women: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Study", Am J Clin Nutr, 2015
Buckley JP et al. "The sedentary office: an expert statement on the growing case for change towards better health and productivity.", Br J Sports Med, 2015
World Health Organisation "Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health. ", 2010
Merom, Dafna et al., "Dancing Participation and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality", American Journal of Preventive Medicine, June 2016, Volume 50
Se-Hong Kim, Minjeong Kim, Yu-Bae Ahn, Hyun-Kook Lim, Sung-Goo Kang, Jung-hyoun Cho, Seo-Jin Park, Sang-Wook Song, "Effect of Dance Exercise on Cognitive Function in Elderly Patients with Metabolic Syndrome: A Pilot Study", J Sports Sci Med, 2011
Blair et al., "Physical fitness and all-cause mortality. A prospective study of healthy men and women", JAMA., 1989
Pedersen BK, Saltin B. "Evidence for prescribing exercise as therapy in chronic disease." Scand J Med Sci Sports 2006;
Ekelund, Ulf et al. “Does physical activity attenuate, or even eliminate, the detrimental association of sitting time with mortality? A harmonised meta-analysis of data from more than 1 million men and women” The Lancet , Volume 388 , Issue 10051 , 1302 - 1310
Colberg SR, et al., “The Big Blue Test: Effects of 14 Minutes of Physical Activity on Blood Glucose Levels.” Diabetes Care February, 2013
Harmer RA, et al. “Amount and frequency of exercise affect glycaemic control more than exercise mode or intensity.” Br J Sports Med, 2015
James AP, et al,. “Effects of a 1-year randomised controlled trial of resistance training on blood lipid profile and chylomicron concentration in older men.” Eur J Appl Physiol., 2016
Ryan AS, et al., “Aerobic exercise and weight loss reduce vascular markers of inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity in obese women.”, J Am Geriatr Soc., 2014
Ford ES, et al., “Sedentary behavior, physical activity, and the metabolic syndrome among U.S. adults.”, Obes Res., 2005
Richter EA, et al., “Exercise, GLUT4, and Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake.” Physiol Rev, 2013
Thiebaud D, et al., “The effect of graded doses of insulin on total glucose uptake, glucose oxidation, and glucose storage in man.”, Diabetes., 1982
James AP, et al,. “Effects of a 1-year randomised controlled trial of resistance training on blood lipid profile and chylomicron concentration in older men.” Eur J Appl Physiol., 2016
Monda, KL, et al. “Longitudinal impact of physical activity on lipid profiles in middle-aged adults: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.”, Journal of Lipid Research., 2009
Hayashino Y, et al. “Effects of supervised exercise on lipid profiles and blood pressure control in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.”, Diabetes Res Clin Pract., 2012
James AP, et al,. “Effects of a 1-year randomised controlled trial of resistance training on blood lipid profile and chylomicron concentration in older men.” Eur J Appl Physiol., 2016
Deminice R, et al., “The Effects of Acute Exercise and Exercise Training on Plasma Homocysteine: A Meta-Analysis.”, PLoS One.", 2016
Holme I et, et al., “ApoB but not LDL-cholesterol is reduced by exercise training in overweight healthy men. Results from the 1-year randomized Oslo Diet and Exercise Study.” J Intern Med., 2007
Mohammadi RH, et al. “The Effect of 12-Week of Aerobic Training on Homocysteine, Lipoprotein A and Lipid Profile Levels in Sedentary Middle-aged Men.” Int J Prev Med., 2014
Martins RA, et al. “Effects of aerobic and strength-based training on metabolic health indicators in older adults.” Lipids Health Dis., 2010
Kraus WE, et al. “Effects of the amount and intensity of exercise on plasma lipoproteins.” N Engl J Med., 2002
Jordy AB, Kiens B., "Regulation of exercise-induced lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle.", Exp Physiol. 2014
Blood Pressure
Beunza JJ, et al. “Sedentary behaviors and the risk of incident hypertension: the SUN Cohort.”, Am J Hypertens, 2007
Cornelissen VA, et al. “Exercise training for blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis.”, J Am Heart Assoc, 2013
Huang G, et al. “Controlled aerobic exercise training reduces resting blood pressure in sedentary older adults.” Blood Press, 2013
Cornelissen VA, et al. “Impact of resistance training on blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors: a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials.” Hypertension, 2011
Hyun-Sub Kim, et al., “Effect of long-term resistance exercise on body composition, blood lipid factors, and vascular compliance in the hypertensive elderly men”, J Exerc Rehabil., 2013
Hayashino Y, et al. “Effects of supervised exercise on lipid profiles and blood pressure control in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.”, Diabetes Res Clin Pract., 2012
Tsianakas V, Harris J, Ream E, et al, "CanWalk: a feasibility study with embedded randomised controlled trial pilot of a walking intervention for people with recurrent or metastatic cancer." BMJ Open, 2017
World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research, "Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective", 2007
Wolin KY, Yan Y, Colditz GA, Lee IM. "Physical activity and colon cancer prevention: a meta-analysis.", British Journal of Cancer, 2009
Moore SC, Lee IM, Weiderpass E, et al. "Association of leisure-time physical activity with risk of 26 types of cancer in 1.44 million adults." JAMA Internal Medicine, 2016
Wu Y, Zhang D, Kang S. "Physical activity and risk of breast cancer: a meta-analysis of prospective studies." Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2013
Speck RM, Courneya KS, Masse LC, Duval S, Schmitz KH. "An update of controlled physical activity trials in cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis." Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 2010
Keimling M, Behrens G, Schmid D, Jochem C, Leitzmann MF. "The association between physical activity and bladder cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis." British Journal of Cancer, 2014
Behrens G, Jochem C, Keimling M, et al. "The association between physical activity and gastroesophageal cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis." European Journal of Epidemiology, 2014
Schmid D et al., "Television Viewing and Time Spent Sedentary in Relation to Cancer Risk: A Meta-Analysis", JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst, 2014
Kyu HH, et al. “Physical activity and risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and ischemic stroke events: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study”, BMJ, 2013
Cardiovascular Disease
Grøntved A, Hu FB. "Television Viewing and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, and All-Cause Mortality A Meta-analysis." JAMA. 2011
Alpa V. Patel, Leslie Bernstein, Anusila Deka, Heather Spencer Feigelson, Peter T. Campbell, Susan M. Gapstur, Graham A. Colditz, Michael J. Thun; "Leisure Time Spent Sitting in Relation to Total Mortality in a Prospective Cohort of US Adults." Am J Epidemiol, 2010
Nocon M, Hiemann T, Müller-Riemenschneider F, et al. “Association of physical activity with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis”, Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil , 2008
Blair SN, Morris JN., “Healthy hearts—and the universal benefits of being physically active: physical activity and health”, Ann Epidemiol , 2009
Armstrong ME, Green J, Reeves GK, Beral V, Cairns BJ, "Frequent physical activity may not reduce vascular disease risk as much as moderate activity: large prospective study of women in the United kingdom.," Million Women Study, Circulation, 2015
Monda, KL, et al. “Longitudinal impact of physical activity on lipid profiles in middle-aged adults: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.”, Journal of Lipid Research., 2009
Martins RA, et al. “Effects of aerobic and strength-based training on metabolic health indicators in older adults.” Lipids Health Dis., 2010
Kraus WE, et al. “Effects of the amount and intensity of exercise on plasma lipoproteins.” N Engl J Med., 2002
Merom, Dafna et al. "Dancing Participation and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality", American Journal of Preventive Medicine, June 2016, Volume 50 , Issue 6 , 756 - 760
Kyu HH, et al. “Physical activity and risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and ischemic stroke events: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study”, BMJ, 2013
Ahlskog, J. Eric et al. “Physical Exercise as a Preventive or Disease-Modifying Treatment of Dementia and Brain Aging.” Mayo Clinic Proceedings 86.9 (2011)
Smith PJ, Blumenthal JA, Hoffman BM, Cooper H, Strauman TA, Welsh-Bohmer K, Browndyke JN, Sherwood A, "Review Aerobic exercise and neurocognitive performance: a meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials.", Psychosom Med. 2010
Colcombe SJ, Kramer AF, Erickson KI, Scalf P, McAuley E, Cohen NJ, Webb A, Jerome GJ, Marquez DX, Elavsky S, "Cardiovascular fitness, cortical plasticity, and aging.", Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004
Hamer M, Chida Y, "Physical activity and risk of neurodegenerative disease: a systematic review of prospective evidence.", Psychol Med. 2009 Jan;
Geda YE, Roberts RO, Knopman DS, Christianson TJ, Pankratz VS, Ivnik RJ, Boeve BF, Tangalos EG, Petersen RC, Rocca WA, "Physical exercise, aging, and mild cognitive impairment: a population-based study.", Arch Neurol. 2010 Jan
Se-Hong Kim, Minjeong Kim, Yu-Bae Ahn, Hyun-Kook Lim, Sung-Goo Kang, Jung-hyoun Cho, Seo-Jin Park, Sang-Wook Song, "Effect of Dance Exercise on Cognitive Function in Elderly Patients with Metabolic Syndrome: A Pilot Study", J Sports Sci Med, 2011
Erickson KI et al., "Exercise training increases size of hippocampus and improves memory", Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2011
Cotman CW1, Berchtold NC, Christie LA., “Exercise builds brain health: key roles of growth factor cascades and inflammation.”, Trends Neurosci., 2007
Vidoni ED, Honea RA, Billinger SA, Swerdlow RH, Burns JM. "Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with atrophy in Alzheimer's and aging over 2 years." Neurobiol Aging 2012;33:16241632.
Colcombe S, Kramer AF. “Fitness effects on the cognitive function of older adults: a meta-analytic study”. Psychol Science 2003;14:125–130
Zhu N, Jacobs DR, Jr, Schreiner PJ, et al. “Cardiorespiratory fitness and cognitive function in middle age: the CARDIA study. “ Neurology 2014;82:1339–1346.
RELATED: The Benefits of Quadrupedal Movement
Marlicz W, Loniewski “The effect of exercise and diet on gut microbial diversity.” Gut, 2015
Clarke SF, et al., "Exercise and associated dietary extremes impact on gut microbial diversity.” Gut., 2014
Hullar MA et al, “Diet, the gut microbiome, and epigenetics.” Cancer J, 2014
Estaki M et al, “Cardiorespiratory fitness as a predictor of intestinal microbial diversity and distinct metagenomic functions.”, Microbiome., 2016
Cronin O, “Exercise, fitness, and the gut.”, Curr Opin Gastroenterol., 2016
Johannesson E, Simrén M, Strid H, Bajor A, Sadik R., "Physical activity improves symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome: a randomized controlled trial.", Am J Gastroenterol. 2011
RELATED: Exercise and the Gut Microbiome
Petersen, A.M. & Pedersen, B.K., “The anti-inflammatory effect of exercise.” J. Appl. Physiol., 2005
Pedersen BK, Steensberg A, Fischer C, et al. “Searching for the exercise factor – is IL-6 a candidate.” J Muscle Res Cell Motil, 2003
BK Pedersen et al, “Role of myokines in exercise and metabolism." Journal of Applied Physiology, 2007
Pedersen BK et al, "Muscle as an endocrine organ: Focus on muscle-derived interleukin-6.", 2008
Allen DL et al, "Expression and function of myostatin in obesity, diabetes, and exercise adaptation." Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2011.
Ryan AS, et al., “Aerobic exercise and weight loss reduce vascular markers of inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity in obese women.”, J Am Geriatr Soc., 2014
Deminice R, et al., “The Effects of Acute Exercise and Exercise Training on Plasma Homocysteine: A Meta-Analysis.”, PLoS One.", 2016
Mohammadi RH, et al. “The Effect of 12-Week of Aerobic Training on Homocysteine, Lipoprotein A and Lipid Profile Levels in Sedentary Middle-aged Men.” Int J Prev Med., 2014
Martins RA, et al. “Effects of aerobic and strength-based training on metabolic health indicators in older adults.” Lipids Health Dis., 2010
Fischer CP1., ”Interleukin-6 in acute exercise and training: what is the biological relevance?”, Exerc Immunol Rev., 2006
Insulin Resistance
Nightingale CM, Rudnicka AR, Donin AS, et al "Screen time is associated with adiposity and insulin resistance in children", Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2017
Richter EA, et al., “Exercise, GLUT4, and Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake.” Physiol Rev, 2013
Thiebaud D, et al., “The effect of graded doses of insulin on total glucose uptake, glucose oxidation, and glucose storage in man.”, Diabetes., 1982
Ryan AS, et al., “Aerobic exercise and weight loss reduce vascular markers of inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity in obese women.”, J Am Geriatr Soc., 2014
Ferrara CM, et al. "Effects of aerobic and resistive exercise training on glucose disposal and skeletal muscle metabolism in older men." J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci., 2006
Pedersen BK, Saltin B. "Evidence for prescribing exercise as therapy in chronic disease." Scand J Med Sci Sports 2006;
Kyu HH, et al. “Physical activity and risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and ischemic stroke events: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study”, BMJ, 2013
RELATED: Insulin, Diabetes and Related Terms
Mental Health
Teychenne, Megan et al., "The association between sedentary behaviour and risk of anxiety: a systematic review", BMC Public Health, 2015
Hopkins ME, et al. “Differential effects of acute and regular physical exercise on cognition and affect.” Neuroscience, 2012
Broman-Fulks J, et al. “Effects of aerobic exercise on anxiety sensitivity.” Behaviour Research and Therapy.", 2008
Guszkowska M, “Effects of exercise on anxiety, depression and mood”, Psychiatr Pol, 2004
Steptoe A et al., “Acute effects of aerobic exercise on mood.”, Health Psychol, 1988
Sylvia LG et al., “Does exercise impact mood? Exercise patterns of patients in a psychiatric partial hospital program.”, J Psychiatr Pract, 2009
Dunn AL, Trivedi MH, O’Neal HA., "Physical activity dose–response effects on outcomes of depression and anxiety.", Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2001
Scully D, Kremer J, Meade MM, et al., "Physical exercise and psychological well being: a critical review.", British Journal of Sports Medicine 1998;32:111-120.
Ströhle, A. "Physical activity, exercise, depression and anxiety disorders", J Neural Transm 116: 777. doi:10.1007/s00702-008-0092-x, 2009
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Metabolic Syndrome
Carroll et al., "What is the relationship between exercise and metabolic abnormalities? A review of the metabolic syndrome." Metabolic Syndrome, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2004
Colberg SR, et al., “The Big Blue Test: Effects of 14 Minutes of Physical Activity on Blood Glucose Levels.” Diabetes Care February, 2013
Harmer RA, et al., “Amount and frequency of exercise affect glycaemic control more than exercise mode or intensity.” Br J Sports Med, 2015
James AP, et al., “Effects of a 1-year randomised controlled trial of resistance training on blood lipid profile and chylomicron concentration in older men.” Eur J Appl Physiol, 2016
Ryan AS, et al., “Aerobic exercise and weight loss reduce vascular markers of inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity in obese women.”, J Am Geriatr Soc., 2014
Ford ES, et al., “Sedentary behavior, physical activity, and the metabolic syndrome among U.S. adults.”, Obes Res., 2005
Richter EA, et al., “Exercise, GLUT4, and Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake.” Physiol Rev, 2013
Thiebaud D, et al., “The effect of graded doses of insulin on total glucose uptake, glucose oxidation, and glucose storage in man.”, Diabetes, 1982
Se-Hong Kim, Minjeong Kim, Yu-Bae Ahn, Hyun-Kook Lim, Sung-Goo Kang, Jung-hyoun Cho, Seo-Jin Park, Sang-Wook Song., "Effect of Dance Exercise on Cognitive Function in Elderly Patients with Metabolic Syndrome: A Pilot Study", J Sports Sci Med, 2011
Martins RA, et al., “Effects of aerobic and strength-based training on metabolic health indicators in older adults.” Lipids Health Dis., 2010
Kyu HH, et al. “Physical activity and risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and ischemic stroke events: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study”, BMJ, 2013
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Sedentary Behaviour
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Alpa V. Patel, Leslie Bernstein, Anusila Deka, Heather Spencer Feigelson, Peter T. Campbell, Susan M. Gapstur, Graham A. Colditz, Michael J. Thun; "Leisure Time Spent Sitting in Relation to Total Mortality in a Prospective Cohort of US Adults." Am J Epidemiol, 2010
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Type 2 Diabetes
Hu FB, Li TY, Colditz GA, Willett WC, Manson JE. "Television watching and other sedentary behaviors in relation to risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus in women." JAMA, 2003
Grøntved A, Hu FB. "Television Viewing and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, and All-Cause Mortality A Meta-analysis." JAMA, 2011
Karstoft K et al., "The acute effects of interval- vs. continuous-walking exercise on glycemic control in subjects with type 2 diabetes: a cross-over, controlled study." Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 2014
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Allen DL et al, "Expression and function of myostatin in obesity, diabetes, and exercise adaptation." Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2011.
Hayashino Y, et al. “Effects of supervised exercise on lipid profiles and blood pressure control in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.”, Diabetes Res Clin Pract., 2012
Kyu HH, et al. “Physical activity and risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and ischemic stroke events: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study”, BMJ, 2013