How To Pandiculate (Video Example)
I don’t stretch, I pandiculate.
What’s Pandiculation?
Pandiculation is nature's way to prepare your body for movement. Usually, it begins with creating muscle tension throughout the body; then, a release of the muscle leads to relaxation and an improved range of motion immediately.
Think of a young child yawning and how they position their bodies as they do so. This isn’t unique to humans though, all mammals do it.
Usually, we do this on waking up—you've probably experienced it when getting out of bed, you yawn and pandiculate slowly (even though most people think of this as a stretch) and get ready for your day.
However, pandiculation's natural physical process is something we become more self-conscious of as we age, and so we do it less and less even though we certainly need to do it more.
The video below covers the basics of pandiculation so you can get a visual cue.
This is something I do on a regular basis—at least several times daily—to maintain mobility and to loosen things up without the pain and discomfort that can often come from some stretching regimens.
Pandiculation is certainly one benefit of embracing your inner child and forgetting about what other people think. It can help you to move more and play more.
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