Check out the current Men's Health (July-August 2017) magazine for an article I contributed to called 'The World Is Your Gym' with lots of fun and interesting exercises in a natural environment!
UK Paleo Awards 2017 Nomination
Make Sure You Work On Movement in 3D!
If you are looking to improve your overall strength and coordination, you should be thinking about ways to integrate multi-planar movements into your exercise program.
These multi-planar movements, which occur through two or more planes of motion (e.g. up and down, twisting, and side-to-side), are so powerful for fitness and function because they reflect your body’s natural movements.
Appearance on BBC One's - Doctor In The House
It was a pleasure to appear on BBC One's Doctor In the House Series 2, Ep 4 with Dr Rangan Chatterjee on the 27 June in the UK. Dr Chatterjee is at the forefront of GP's looking at lifestyle prevention rather than just a 'pill'.