The ground-breaking teachings of Hippocrates often referred to as the father of Western medicine has influenced doctors from his time right up to the present day.
The Dangers of Physical Inactivity
The Importance of Play - part 3: Rediscovering Play
Playful movement does not need to be complicated. Lay it out in terms of basic movement patterns. Moves that are functional and possible to adapt for all – with challenges that can be scaled to each individual. You can piggy-back carry, focus on animal crawls and movements, or play games such as tag.
The Importance of Play - Part 2: Not Just For Kids
Well play can be confusing for us adults; it is either seen as frivolous, deemed as foolish, or blanketed as childish activity related to relieving boredom with no well-defined goals. Adults often judge play as an unnecessary task even for their children.