Slo-Mo Press-Up
A press-up or push-up usually takes less than a second to do and the main focus is on upper body strength. Here is a variation which is far more serious and focused, it works the upper body and core but you also have no doubt that this is a whole body activity. This is a 30-second press-up - which takes 20 seconds to descend and then 10 seconds to return back to the start.
More difficult than it looks or sounds!
Here are a few pointers:
Stay solid in the midsection, working the whole body as one unit.
Relax no part of the body except the face.
Ignore the timing. It's not about the 30 seconds total time, more about extending the time taken to do a usual press-up and paying attention to the experience as you lower and ascend.
In the bottom position only have the hands and feet in contact with the ground.
Give it a try!